When should I start flossing my child’s teeth?

Flossing is most important when two teeth are touching, as the toothbrush cannot reach to clean where the teeth are touching. Sometimes teeth have good spacing until a child is older, and sometimes toddlers can have teeth that touch.

Practicing gentle flossing is a good idea even with younger children with spacing so they can become comfortable with flossing.

It is ok if you can’t floss every tooth the first time you try with your child! Try to introduce the floss in a fun way, like telling them it is Spiderman string or a princess ribbon. Then start slow, trying one or two teeth and then praising them for trying something new!

Remember the floss is supposed to gently clean in-between teeth to the gums, but not saw into the gums, as this will be painful for your child. Let us show you exactly what we mean at your child’s next cleaning visit!


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