Post Sealant Care

Your child had sealants done today. 

Sealants are a thin layer of protective material that help prevent food and plaque from getting stuck in the deep grooves on the biting surface of back molar teeth. Sealants may temporarily cause a slight difference in how your child bites, but this should feel back to normal in a couple of days. 

Brushing: Your child can resume normal brushing and flossing the same day as their procedure. 

Diet: Your child may eat and drink as normal right away. Sealants might leave a funny taste in the mouth, which will go away when your child has something to eat or drink. 

Activity: Your child can return to normal activities after their procedure. If they received any nitrous oxide (laughing gas), we had them breathe 100% oxygen for 5 minutes at the end of the appointment. There should be no effects of the nitrous oxide after their visit. 

If you have any concerns, please call us at 720-678-9401